Friday, September 15, 2006

Completed Five Point Someone

I completed it on 3 sept after my GAIL examination.
Its an interesting book.
Story is about 3 underperformers in IIT.
It is written by Chetan Bhagat an IIT Delhi passout.
Whole novel is interesting though its not a "take something" kinda book.
I will recommend it to you if you wana spend some free time enjoying some entertaining stuff nothing other purpose in mind.

I liked the style of writing and enjoyed it too though it couldn't find a place in my favourite book.May be I need some book which is based on deep life issues and could teach some guidance to lead a better life too.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

What this blog for......

Well a lots of things and activities are going on around me .Which needs a public opinion.
I wanna analyse the world around me in my own views.This blog is with a annoying heading so it will reflect the negative aspects of the world more.Its a part of world which I am gonna discuss here so if you are not in mood of going to negative aspects of things then its better to not read it.
I may be little sore here.